Picture of Chattanooga

Picture of Chattanooga

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Rocket Launch

We have been looking forward to seeing a rocket launch, it's the main reason we have stayed in Titusville for several days. We are tied to a mooring ball at the city marina and the launch complex is to the southeast 16 miles away. We have a clear view except for a long 65-foot high bridge about half a mile away. In order to have the best view possible, we dinghy-ed over to a small island about half a mile on the other side of the bridge at 7:15 for a 7:43 pm launch. We were surprised to discover that someone was living there, an extremely nasty looking hobo type with a tent and collection of junk scattered around. We also discovered several horseshoe crabs making whoopee. Additionally, we noticed sandhill cranes flying over the cape by the thousands (no exaggeration), being several miles away I could see them best with the binoculars, numerous flocks moving north with a swirling fluid-like grace; totally awesome! With launch time approaching Maurice, Renee, Kim and I stood on the island's small beach with our cameras and binoculars at the ready... waiting... waiting... waiting; after several minutes our arms were getting tired but we feared missing something if we relaxed. We slowly started getting fidgety and after about 10 minutes I called my uncle to see if he had any news. He texted a message that the launch window was open until 8:59 but no new time had been announced, however in my haste, I only read the last part... “no new time had been announced.” Maurice spoke with someone else who said they probably wouldn't launch tonight, so we climbed back in the dinghy and headed back to the boat. About five minutes after climbing back on Overtime I heard someone on shore holler woo-hoo so I looked up and saw the rocket and called for Kim. We were expecting something bigger brighter and louder, it was dark out and we saw a flame rising in the sky followed by some dim glimmering lights drifting away then a short time later the flame went out. We never heard the roar of the engines which we had been looking forward too.

1 comment:

  1. DARN!!!!!! No Saturn 5 engine that rocks the earth. Or even close to the space shuttle
    Well that would just make me pull up anchor and leave!
